

Dr. 迈可尔王

迈克尔·金,M.B.A., J.D.

Director of the 商学院 and Graduate 业务 Programs, Associate Professor

  • Juris Doctor from the University of Missouri – Kansas City, M.B.A. 来自雷鸟全球管理学院, 海斯堡州立大学理学硕士, B.A. 本尼迪克特学院毕业的
  • Served as President of the College of Saints John Fisher & 德克萨斯州沃斯堡的托马斯·莫尔
  • Principal in several start-up business ventures and a small investment banking firm
  • Worked in the United States Senate as professional staff on the Commerce Committee
Dr. 大卫·科比

Dr. 大卫·W. 科比,米.B.A., Ph.D.


  • Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership with a concentration in Entrepreneurial Leadership from Regent University, M.B.A. from University of North Carolina Wilmington, and B.A. in Managerial Economics from Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia
  • Taught economics and business at Sampson Community College 和 University of Mount Olive in North Carolina
  • Owned and operated a small business (national franchised learning center). Additionally served as a partner in several family businesses as an investment manager.
  • Research interests include Catholic Social Teaching, 信仰 at work, Entrepreneurship, & 分产主义
  • Teaches courses in management, corporate social responsibility, and ethics

戴夫·格林斯,M.B.A., C.P.A.

拜伦·G. Thompson Center for Integrity in Finance and Economics, Associate Professor

  • M.B.A. 从洛克赫斯特大学获得学士学位.S. in Accounting from Baker University, and a CPA certificate from the state of Kansas
  • 防火门解决方案的前总裁/首席财务官, Avascend 健康care Hospitality前首席执行官, 也是Impact Design的前总裁兼首席执行官
  • Founder and CEO of Inhance Leadership – bringing leadership to life
  • 著有四本书:
  • 出现! 改变生活的真相折磨的领袖
  • Leaderslip: Reversing the SLIDE of American Enterprise Leadership
  • Nothing is Free: The Price Only 业务 Leaders Can Pay to Protect Free Markets
  • Truth 和 Transcendent 业务: Heresy or Prophesy?
  • Teaches courses in accounting, leadership, management, and business strategy

Dr. 简·汉森,M.B.A., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Management and International 业务

  • 致力于增进对所有人的平等和尊重
  • Ph.D. in Management and Strategy 来自内布拉斯加州大学, M.B.A. 来自克莱顿大学,B.A. 来自密歇根州立大学
  • Teaches students in graduate and undergraduate strategic management, 商业定量方法, 决策, 运营管理, 以及国际管理, 快乐, BC Experience to help welcome freshmen to our community of scholarship
  • Motivation: We have a moral responsibility to leave the world better than we found it
  • 之前隶属于贝尔维尤大学, serving as Dean of the Hawkins College of Professional Studies while developing their non-traditional programs
  • 在奥马哈互助银行工作, 控制数据公司, 以及美国红十字会的中心地区
  • 研究方向包括战略创新, organizational and individual learning and knowledge management, 国际和组织文化, 公司创业精神



  • M.S. in Organizational Leadership with a concentration in Management Consulting from Norwich University.
  • B.A. 哲学和B.A. 从本笃学院获得神学学位.
  • Member of Omicron Delta Kappa, National Leadership Honor Society
  • 17年的领导经验, 管理, 教学和指导能力, including Director of the Catholic Newman Center at Missouri Western State University for ten years
  • Provided leadership and management consulting for non-profit organizations
  • Served in the 163 Infantry Regiment, Montana Army National Guard
  • 教授组织行为学课程, 企业管理, 人力资源管理, 道德, 合规, & 社会责任与战略管理

布莱恩·亨利,M.S.B., M.B.A.


  • M.S.B. 堪萨斯大学金融学硕士.B.A. 在堪萨斯州立大学获得金融学学士学位.A. 本尼迪克特学院毕业的
  • Worked professionally in several areas of finance including small business loans, 风险管理, 资本预算
  • Teaches courses in finance, quantitative methods, and financial modeling



  • 执行长米.B.A. 从本尼迪克特学院毕业.S. 来自密苏里西部州立大学
  • 有15年的市场营销经验, including television production and account management, 公共关系, 市场营销研究, and as the marketing director for a small technology start-up
  • Entrepreneurship Program Chair at Wright Career College
  • Research featured in international best-selling author Will Bowen’s book 今年快乐
  • 研究也在, 并作为…的基础, a mobile application adopted by the Dale Carnegie Institute of Asia
  • Teaches courses in marketing, consumer behavior, market strategy, and business plan development

Dr. 特雷西·哈特利,C.P.A.


  • 传记即将出版!

玛德琳·罗杰斯,M.B.A., J.D.


  • 沃什伯恩大学法学院法学博士
  • M.B.A. with specialization in International 业务 from AUT University in Auckland, New Zealand
  • B.A. 本尼迪克特学院工商管理专业
  • 在恩波里亚州立大学的教学经验
  • Worked for private law firms and nonprofit organizations
  • 堪萨斯州上诉法院的法官助理, 约翰逊县地方法院, 和 Office of Disability Adjudication and Review for the Social Security Administration
  • Teaches courses in business law and international business



  • Currently working on a Doctorate in 业务 Administration, Creighton University, M.B.A. 来自堪萨斯大学,B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of 技术
  • Served as a 业务 Development Director for Johnson Controls in the Public Private Partnership (P3) project development group. Led over $3 billion of project development including new hospitals, 法院, 修正设施, 市政建筑基础设施.
  • Various sales management and branch management positions at Johnson Controls
  • Presenter at over 20 infrastructure conferences in North America on Public Private Partnerships
  • Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Kansas
Keevan Statz

Keevan Statz博士.D.

Assistant Professor of Marketing, 商学院

  • 赢得了Ph值.D. 来自堪萨斯州的堪萨斯大学.S. 来自马萨诸塞大学,B.S.B.A. 来自内布拉斯加州大学
  • Worked at various sports organizations including the Green Bay Packers, 哈佛大学体育, LPGA巡回赛/IMG高尔夫和林肯之星
  • 曾在华盛顿大学市场营销系任职.P. Carey 商学院 at Arizona State University prior to joining 本笃会的大学
  • 教授市场营销各方面的课程, 包括但不限于消费者行为, 营销策略, 数字营销和体育营销
  • Focuses research on the sport industry/sport marketing, with particular emphasis on cause-related sport marketing and corporate social responsibility in sport
  • 在学术期刊上发表的研究成果包括 体育营销季刊, the International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship, 太阳城官网体育管理杂志哈佛体育与娱乐法杂志
  • Presented research at conferences including the American Marketing Association (AMA), North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) and Sport Marketing Association (SMA)